{"id":43,"date":"2024-04-05T04:37:04","date_gmt":"2024-04-05T04:37:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/?p=43"},"modified":"2024-04-05T05:06:03","modified_gmt":"2024-04-05T05:06:03","slug":"age-calculator","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/","title":{"rendered":"Age Calculator – How Old am I Today?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Use this easy online age calculator<\/strong> to calculate your or someone else’s age on a particular day in years, months, weeks, and days. All you need is to input the birth date and the date you want to calculate the person’s age. You can even use it to calculate the age of an object such as your dream car or house.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n Date Calculator<\/title>\n <style>\n .inputBox {\n width: 100%;\n border: 2px solid black;\n margin: 3px;\n padding: 8px !important;\n padding-left: 10px !important;\n border-radius: 8px;\n font-size: 18px;\n background: white;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .MainBox {\n border: 2px solid black;\n border-radius: 13px;\n padding: 2%;\n }\n\n .mb-3 {\n margin-bottom: 1rem !important;\n }\n\n .mt-3 {\n margin-top: 1rem !important;\n }\n\n .mb-4 {\n margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important;\n }\n\n .mb-2 {\n margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important;\n }\n\n .mt-2 {\n margin-top: 0.5rem !important;\n }\n\n .mt-4 {\n margin-top: 1.5rem !important;\n }\n\n .btn {\n border: 2px solid black;\n background-color: white;\n color: black;\n padding: 10px 20px;\n font-size: 20px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n width: 90%;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .btn-outline-secondary {\n border-color: rgb(60, 64, 67);\n color: 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font-size: 19px;\n padding: 0px;\n }\n\n .Fields {\n width: 100%;\n display: block;\n }\n\n .dropdown-content {\n right: 0;\n left: 0;\n }\n\n .toggle-label {\n width: 47%;\n }\n\n .btn {\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n .ResultContent {\n width: 100%;\n text-align: center;\n }\n\n .FieldsResult {\n width: 100%;\n text-align: center;\n }\n\n .right {\n float: none;\n margin-left: 6px;\n }\n\n\n }\n <\/style>\n<\/head>\n\n<body>\n <div class=\"MainBox\">\n <!-- input -->\n <div>\n <div class=\"DivHeadings\">\n <label for=\"ini\">\n Birth date\n <\/label>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"Fields\">\n\n <input id=\"ini\" type=\"date\" required=\"true\" class=\"inputBox\">\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"DivHeadings\">\n\n <label for=\"final\">\n Calculate age as of\n <\/label>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"Fields\">\n <input id=\"final\" type=\"date\" class=\"inputBox\">\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"btn-center mt-3 mb-2\">\n <button id=\"calculate\" class=\"btn btn-outline-secondary\">\n <svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" fill=\"currentColor\"\n class=\"bi bi-calculator\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path\n d=\"M12 1a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v12a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H4a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V2a1 1 0 0 1 1-1zM4 0a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V2a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z\" \/>\n <path\n d=\"M4 2.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h7a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v2a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-7a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm3-6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm3-6a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0 3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v4a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5z\" \/>\n <\/svg>\n Calculate Age\n <\/button>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"mt-4 mb-2 MainBox\" id=\"ResultSection\" style=\"display: none;\">\n\n <div class=\"ResultHeading mt-2\">\n Calculation Results\n <\/div>\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Chronological age\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"chronological-age\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconchronological-age\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('chronological-age', 'copyIconchronological-age')\"\n xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\"\n viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Running age\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"running-age\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconrunning-age\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('running-age', 'copyIconrunning-age')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Age in years\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"age-in-years\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconage-in-years\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('age-in-years', 'copyIconage-in-years')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Age in months\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"age-in-months\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconage-in-months\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('age-in-months', 'copyIconage-in-months')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Age in weeks\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"age-in-weeks\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconage-in-weeks\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('age-in-weeks', 'copyIconage-in-weeks')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n <div>\n <div class=\"ResultContent mt-2\">\n Age in days\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"FieldsResult\">\n <span id=\"age-in-days\" class=\"ResultValue\"><\/span>\n\n <span class=\"right\" id=\"copyIconage-in-days\">\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('age-in-days', 'copyIconage-in-days')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n <\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"shareSection mb-4\">\n\n <span>\n <span class=\"dropdown\">\n <button class=\"btn btn-outline-secondary dropdownbtn\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"myFunction()\">\n <svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" fill=\"currentColor\"\n class=\"bi bi-share\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path\n d=\"M13.5 1a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0-3M11 2.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 .603 1.628l-6.718 3.12a2.499 2.499 0 0 1 0 1.504l6.718 3.12a2.5 2.5 0 1 1-.488.876l-6.718-3.12a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 0-3.256l6.718-3.12A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 11 2.5m-8.5 4a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0-3m11 5.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 0 3 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0-3\" \/>\n <\/svg> Share\n <\/button>\n\n <div id=\"myDropdown\" class=\"dropdown-content\">\n <a onclick=\"ShareByFb()\">Share on Facebook<\/a>\n <a onclick=\"ShareByTwitter()\">Share on Twitter<\/a>\n <a onclick=\"ShareByEmail()\">Share via Email<\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/span>\n <\/span>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n <script>\n function calc(start, end) {\n document.getElementById(\"ResultSection\").style.display = \"block\"\n let trimmed = start.split(\"-\")\n const s = new Date(trimmed[0], trimmed[1] - 1, trimmed[2]);\n trimmed = end.split(\"-\")\n const e = new Date(trimmed[0], trimmed[1] - 1, trimmed[2]);\n\n let cY = s.getMonth() > e.getMonth() || (s.getMonth() === e.getMonth() && s.getDate() > e.getDate()) ? -1 : 0;\n let cM = 0;\n let cD = 0;\n let aY = s.getFullYear();\n let aM = s.getMonth();\n let aD = s.getDate();\n\n let state = \"ini\";\n let day = s.getDate();\n while (s.toDateString() !== e.toDateString() && s < e) {\n aY = s.getFullYear();\n aM = s.getMonth();\n aD = s.getDate();\n\n if ((aY == e.getFullYear()))\n if (state != \"counting\") {\n if (aM == (e.getMonth() - 1)) if (day === aD) {\n if (day > e.getDate()) {\n state = \"counting\"\n day = 0;\n cM -= 1;\n } else if (day === e.getDate() && (day === aD)) {\n day = 0;\n }\n }\n if ((aM == e.getMonth() && (day === aD)) || (day === 29 && aD === 28 && aM === 1)) {\n state = \"counting\"\n day = 0;\n }\n }\n if (state == \"counting\") {\n day += (day === 0 && aD === e.getDate()) ? 0 : 1;\n }\n s.setDate(s.getDate() + 1);\n cY += (aY != s.getFullYear()) ? 1 : 0;\n cM += (aM != s.getMonth()) ? 1 : 0;\n cD += (aD != s.getDate()) ? 1 : 0;\n\n\n }\n\n\n const str = `${Math.max(0, cY)} years, ${(cM + 12) % 12} months, ${s > e ? 0 : day} days`\n\n return { cY: Math.max(0, cY), cM: cM, cD: cD, chronological: str, runningAge: Math.max(cY + (s > e ? 0 : 1), 0), err: s > e }\n }\n function Leap(y) { return !(y & 3 || !(y % 25) && y & 15); };\n\n async function Copy(DaysCount, copyIconDaysCount) {\n let DaysCountNumber = document.getElementById(DaysCount).innerHTML\n\n let copied = `<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-clipboard-check\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M10.854 7.146a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-3 3a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-1.5-1.5a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L7.5 9.793l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0z\"\/>\n <path d=\"M4 1.5H3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2V14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V3.5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1v1h1a1 1 0 0 1 1 1V14a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V3.5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h1z\"\/>\n <path d=\"M9.5 1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-1a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5zm-3-1A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5 1.5v1A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 4h3A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 11 2.5v-1A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9.5 0z\"\/>\n <\/svg>`\n\n await navigator.clipboard.writeText(DaysCountNumber)\n\n document.getElementById(copyIconDaysCount).innerHTML = copied\n setTimeout(() => {\n document.getElementById(copyIconDaysCount).innerHTML = `\n <svg onclick=\"Copy('${DaysCount}', '${copyIconDaysCount}')\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\"\n width=\"28\" height=\"28\" fill=\"currentColor\" class=\"bi bi-copy\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M4 2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2zm2-1a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1h1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1v1z\">\n <\/path>\n <\/svg>\n `\n }, 500);\n\n\n }\n document.getElementById(\"final\").value = new Date().toISOString().split(\"T\")[0];\n\n document.getElementById(\"calculate\").addEventListener(\"click\", () => {\n const birthDate = document.getElementById(\"ini\").value;\n const currentDate = document.getElementById(\"final\").value;\n\n if (birthDate && currentDate) {\n const result = calc(birthDate, currentDate);\n if (result.err) {\n document.getElementById(\"ResultSection\").style.display = \"none\"\n\n alert(\"Please fix the dates\")\n }\n document.getElementById('age-in-years').textContent = Math.max(result.cY, 0);\n document.getElementById('age-in-months').textContent = result.cM\n document.getElementById('age-in-weeks').textContent = Math.floor(result.cD \/ 7)\n document.getElementById('age-in-days').textContent = result.cD\n document.getElementById('running-age').textContent = result.runningAge + \" years old\";\n document.getElementById('chronological-age').textContent = result.chronological;\n }\n });\n\n\n\n function ShareByFb() {\n window.location = `https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/sharer.php?${location.href}`\n }\n\n function ShareByTwitter() {\n window.location = `https:\/\/twitter.com\/intent\/tweet?url=${location.href}`\n }\n\n function ShareByEmail() {\n window.location = `mailto:?subject=I wanted you to see this site &body=Check out this site ${location.href}`\n }\n\n function myFunction() {\n document.getElementById(\"myDropdown\").classList.toggle(\"show\");\n }\n\n window.onclick = function (event) {\n if (!event.target.matches('.dropdownbtn')) {\n var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName(\"dropdown-content\");\n var i;\n for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {\n var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];\n if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {\n openDropdown.classList.remove('show');\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n <\/script>\n<\/body>\n\n<\/html>\n\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-buttons is-content-justification-center is-layout-flex wp-container-core-buttons-is-layout-1 wp-block-buttons-is-layout-flex\">\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link wp-element-button\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/convert\/find-days-between-dates\/\">Days Between Dates Calculator<\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n<div class=\"wp-block-button\"><a class=\"wp-block-button__link wp-element-button\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/day-counter\/\">Day Counter Calculator<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n<p>The tool is more than just an age calculator; it answers a variety of questions related to age that you might find yourself pondering. Ever wondered about the age difference between you and a friend on a specific date, or maybe you're just curious about the number of days you've been alive?<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p>This calculator allows anyone to get quick answers, making it just as useful for trivia as it is for more practical matters.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<div id=\"ez-toc-container\" class=\"ez-toc-v2_0_65 counter-hierarchy ez-toc-counter ez-toc-grey ez-toc-container-direction\">\n<div class=\"ez-toc-title-container\">\n<p class=\"ez-toc-title \" >Table of Contents<\/p>\n<span class=\"ez-toc-title-toggle\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"ez-toc-pull-right ez-toc-btn ez-toc-btn-xs ez-toc-btn-default ez-toc-toggle\" aria-label=\"Toggle Table of Content\"><span class=\"ez-toc-js-icon-con\"><span class=\"\"><span class=\"eztoc-hide\" style=\"display:none;\">Toggle<\/span><span class=\"ez-toc-icon-toggle-span\"><svg style=\"fill: #999;color:#999\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" class=\"list-377408\" width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\"><path d=\"M6 6H4v2h2V6zm14 0H8v2h12V6zM4 11h2v2H4v-2zm16 0H8v2h12v-2zM4 16h2v2H4v-2zm16 0H8v2h12v-2z\" fill=\"currentColor\"><\/path><\/svg><svg style=\"fill: #999;color:#999\" class=\"arrow-unsorted-368013\" xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" width=\"10px\" height=\"10px\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" version=\"1.2\" baseProfile=\"tiny\"><path d=\"M18.2 9.3l-6.2-6.3-6.2 6.3c-.2.2-.3.4-.3.7s. 0 .5-.1.7-.3.2-.2.3-.5.3-.7s-.1-.5-.3-.7zM5.8 14.7l6.2 6.3 6.2-6.3c.2-.2.3-.5.3-.7s-.1-.5-.3-.7c-.2-.2-.4-.3-.7-.3h-11c-.3 0-.5.1-.7.3-.2.2-.3.5-.3.7s.\"\/><\/svg><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/div>\n<nav><ul class='ez-toc-list ez-toc-list-level-1 eztoc-toggle-hide-by-default' ><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-1\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#How_to_Use_the_Calculator\" title=\"How to Use the Calculator?\">How to Use the Calculator?<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-2\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#How_Old_Am_I_Today\" title=\"How Old Am I Today?\">How Old Am I Today?<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-3\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#Age_Representation_in_Different_Contexts\" title=\"Age Representation in Different Contexts\">Age Representation in Different Contexts<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-4\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#How_Old_Was_I_on_a_Specific_Date\" title=\"How Old Was I on a Specific Date?\">How Old Was I on a Specific Date?<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-5\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#Calculating_Your_Days_on_Earth\" title=\"Calculating Your Days on Earth\">Calculating Your Days on Earth<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-2'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-6\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#Age_Estimation_Insights\" title=\"Age Estimation Insights\">Age Estimation Insights<\/a><ul class='ez-toc-list-level-4' ><li class='ez-toc-heading-level-4'><ul class='ez-toc-list-level-4' ><li class='ez-toc-heading-level-4'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-7\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#References\" title=\"References:\">References:<\/a><\/li><li class='ez-toc-page-1 ez-toc-heading-level-4'><a class=\"ez-toc-link ez-toc-heading-8\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/#Link_to_this_Page\" title=\"Link to this Page\">Link to this Page<\/a><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul><\/nav><\/div>\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"How_to_Use_the_Calculator\"><\/span>How to Use the Calculator?<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>Figuring out your current age<\/strong> can be done with a straightforward process. All that is required is your birthdate or the original date something began\u2014like when a company was founded or a house was built\u2014then calculate how long it has been since that date.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li>Begin by noting down your date of birth or the creation date of the item or entity.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li>Compare this to the current date.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li>Subtract the birth year from the current year to get the age in years.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>Consider Leap Years:<\/strong>\u00a0To be precise, don't forget that some years have 366 days instead of 365 due to leap years. This happens every four years and adds an extra day in February.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>Calculation for a Specific Date:<\/strong> If you want to know your age on a particular date after your birth:<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ol>\n<li>Write down the specific date you're interested in.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li>Compare it to your date of birth.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li>Calculate the number of years, months, and days between the two dates.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n\n\n\n<p>This method helps <strong>find your exact age<\/strong> at any given time. Additional tools like a time duration calculator can be used for more detailed age facts, like your age in minutes or seconds.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<figure class=\"wp-block-table is-style-stripes\"><table><thead><tr><th>Step<\/th><th>Description<\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td>Note Birthdate<\/td><td>Write down the date of birth.<\/td><\/tr><tr><td>Current Date<\/td><td>Note the present date (or another date of interest).<\/td><\/tr><tr><td>Calculate Difference<\/td><td>Find the difference in years, months, and days.<\/td><\/tr><tr><td>Leap Years and Changes<\/td><td>Adjust for extra days in leap years or calendar changes.<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure>\n\n\n\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"How_Old_Am_I_Today\"><\/span>How Old Am I Today?<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p><strong>Determining your age<\/strong> might seem simple - anyone can often tell you how old they are by counting on their fingers. However, the process behind this common question is quite varied and a bit more intricate than it first appears.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p>The standard method for calculating age in many Western countries begins at birth with the age of <strong>0<\/strong> and increases to <strong>1<\/strong> on the first anniversary of the birth date, also known as your birthday. This is the same for people, buildings, and other entities.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p>Moreover, people have different ways of stating their age. Some prefer stating their completed age, the number of full years they have lived. For instance, if it's just past your 21st birthday, you would be 21 years old. <\/p>\n\n\n\n<p>On the other hand, some refer to their running age, counting the year they are currently living. In that case, you might say you are 22 years old as you are completing your 22nd year.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<p>Remember, the concept of how old you are can vary significantly based on cultural background and personal preference, making the answer to \"How old are you?\" not as simple as the number of candles on your birthday cake.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"Age_Representation_in_Different_Contexts\"><\/span>Age Representation in Different Contexts<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p>When figuring out what age to declare, be it on forms or in conversation, you'll need to base this on the given context or any explicit instructions you've been provided with. It's important to comply with these guidelines accurately.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Completed Age:<\/strong> Count the number of full years that have elapsed since the day you were born.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Running Age:<\/strong> Take your completed age and simply increase it by one.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<p>Remember, if you're ever uncertain about which age to use, don't hesitate to ask for clarification.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"How_Old_Was_I_on_a_Specific_Date\"><\/span>How Old Was I on a Specific Date?<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p>To uncover how old you were on an important past date, input your birth date and the date in question into the \"Calculate age on\" tool. Take the 2018 Football World Cup Final that was won by France, for instance:<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Your birth date:<\/strong> February 04, 1981<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Date of the event:<\/strong> July 15, 2018<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Your age on that date:<\/strong> 37 years, 5 months, and 11 days (13,675 days)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<p>This service also lets you predict your age at future events. Let's say you were born in 1994 and you want to know your age in the year 2040:<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Birth year:<\/strong> 1981<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Year in the future:<\/strong> 2051<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Your age at that future date:<\/strong> 70 years<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<p>Simply enter the relevant dates, and the tool does the rest for you!<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"Calculating_Your_Days_on_Earth\"><\/span>Calculating Your Days on Earth<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p>A simple age calculator can help you determine the number of days you've spent on this planet. It takes your date of birth as input and reveals your age in days.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Birth Date:<\/strong> Example - January 1, 1988<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Total Days Alive (as of March 4, 2022):<\/strong> 12,511 Days<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Age in Years, Months, and Days:<\/strong> 34 Years, 3 Months, and 2 Days<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<p>Just type in your birthdate, hit the calculate button, and the number of days you've celebrated will be displayed.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<h2 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"Age_Estimation_Insights\"><\/span>Age Estimation Insights<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n<p>When you're curious about a celebrity's age, such as Tom Cruise, pinpointing it is straightforward with an age calculator. His age is instantly revealed by inputting his birth date into the specified field. Moreover, the tool allows you to explore future ages; for instance, how old she will be when you reach 50.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<ul>\n<li><strong>People<\/strong>: Determine the age of any individual whose birth date you know.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Objects<\/strong>: Calculate the age of inanimate items, like a vehicle or an appliance.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Structures<\/strong>: Find out how long it's been since the foundation of a building.<\/li>\n\n\n\n<li><strong>Organizations<\/strong>: Ascertain the years since an entity, like the US Constitution, was established with a known starting date.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n<h4 class=\"wp-block-heading\"><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"References\"><\/span>References:<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h4>\n\n\n\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/www.timeanddate.com\/date\/leapyear.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">https:\/\/www.timeanddate.com\/date\/leapyear.html<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/www.timeanddate.com\/calendar\/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">https:\/\/www.timeanddate.com\/calendar\/<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n<h4><span class=\"ez-toc-section\" id=\"Link_to_this_Page\"><\/span>Link to this Page<span class=\"ez-toc-section-end\"><\/span><\/h4>\r\n\r\nIf you'd like to cite the online calculator on the page, you can use the following citation:\r\nKeith Woods,\u00a0\"<i>Age Calculator – How Old am I Today?<\/i>\", Available at: <a href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/43\">https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/43<\/a>\u00a0URL, Accessed Date: [ May 6, 2024 ]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>Use this easy online age calculator to calculate your or someone else’s age on a particular day in years, months, weeks, and days. All you need is to input the birth date and the date you want to calculate the person’s age. You can even use it to calculate the age of an object such … <a title=\"Age Calculator – How Old am I Today?\" class=\"read-more\" href=\"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/calculator\/age-calculator\/\" aria-label=\"Read more about Age Calculator – How Old am I Today?\">Read more<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[3],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/43"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=43"}],"version-history":[{"count":4,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/43\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":80,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/43\/revisions\/80"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=43"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=43"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/robocalculator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=43"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}